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Services Lead Certification

The RBA Services Lead Certification Program is a training and certification program for staff at member companies and their service partners.

In 2021, RBA members and the Board of Directors approved updates to Regular and Full member requirements, included a new requirement to assess indirect spend suppliers and conduct assessments at those found to be high-risk.

Indirect spend represents all the products and services a company procures in order to run their business that are not resold to customers. For those indirect spend suppliers that manufacture products, existing RBA trainings, tools and programs can be utilized, but for those indirect spend suppliers that provide services, the RBA has modified tools and trainings, including the Services Lead Certification training program, to meet their needs.

Training will be critical for indirect spend suppliers, in particular, as they have not historically been in scope of due diligence efforts or subject to assessments. The Services Lead Certification Program is intended for individuals who work for service providers that will be tasked with implementing Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code requirements at their work sites. It is a professional designation to help RBA members and their service providers understand codes of conduct, labor issues associated with some service industries, and RBA assessments.

Training Content Includes:

  • The RBA Code of Conduct and how to apply it in services locations
  • Industry Standards
  • Elements of an effective Worker Communication Program
  • Ensuring Health and Safety
  • Understanding Chemical Management
  • Improving Working Conditions
  • Recognizing Forced Labor
  • RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP)
  • Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Management

The core curriculum takes about 20-25 hours to complete, and it can be taken entirely online in the RBA’s Learning Academy at the learner’s own pace. Good candidates for the program include:

  • Staff members at service providers subject to an RBA assessment
  • Service Provider corporate employees who manage sub-contractors or outsourced service providers
  • RBA member employees who monitor the responsible sourcing of indirect suppliers

For more information and registration click here. View and download the SLC flyer here, and contact training@responsiblebusiness.org with any additional questions. 

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