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Responsible Business Alliance Publications

Working to Eradicate Forced Labor in the Electronics Supply Chain

Jan 07, 2015

This position paper outlines what the EICC is doing to protect workers in the electronics supply chain from forced labor.

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Responsible Management of Student Workers

Oct 07, 2014

As more young people than ever enroll in vocational education programs in China, the EICC, the Labour Education and Service Network (LESN) and the Nanjing University Law School Labour Law Legal Mediation Programme have collaborated to produce this toolkit designed to support responsible management of student interns by electronics manufacturing facilities in mainland China.

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Standardizing Methods for Performing Allocation of Supplier Carbon Data for IT Products

Jun 04, 2014

A new method to make product carbon footprint information more accurate for ICT products.

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Sustainability in Real Life: Business Case for Supply Chain Sustainability

May 28, 2014

Sustainability in Real Life includes case studies and an implementation guide designed to help companies overcome barriers and improve their triple bottom line.

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2013 EICC Annual Report

May 22, 2014

The EICC's sixth annual report focuses on our transition to a new governance structure with full-time professional staff, the development of a new strategic plan, and a shift in emphasis from compliance to active impact on sustainability in the electronics supply chain.

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EICC Strategic Plan

Dec 02, 2013

The EICC engaged FSG to facilitate the development of a new strategic direction to guide the organization's work.

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2012 EICC Annual Report

May 16, 2013

The EICC's fifth annual report reflects on our progress on programs designed to help members improve social and environmental conditions in their own operations and those of their supply chains.

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Understanding Employee Health & Welfare Issues in China

Jun 29, 2012

This report details the understanding the EICC gained through research and stakeholder engagement on employee health and welfare.

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Understanding Employee Health & Welfare Issues in China

2011 EICC Annual Report

May 16, 2012

The EICC's fourth annual report provides updates on: our auditing and assessment programs; capability building initiatives; a new working hours initiative; and programs focused on conflict minerals and environmental sustainability. Additionally, the report offers information on the 2011-2012 Code of Conduct Review process, provides information on the pilot year of our Membership Compliance Program, and discusses the governance of the organization, and includes an update on our organizational key performance indicators.

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A Practical Approach to Greening the Electronics Supply Chain, Year 3

May 01, 2012

This report discusses the EICC's activities to broaden the Carbon and Water Reporting Initiative by expanding its focus on water reporting and providing aggregated analysis of the carbon data received from suppliers.

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A Practical Approach to Greening the Electronics Supply Chain, Year 3

A Practical Approach to Greening the Electronics Supply Chain

Sep 19, 2011

This report discusses the EICC's activities to simplify and streamline the Carbon Reporting System, resulting in increased supplier awareness on measuring greenhouse gas emissions and water usage, an increased visibility for customers into supplier emissions, and a reduction in reporting redundancy.

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A Practical Approach to Greening the Electronics Supply Chain

2010 EICC Annual Report

May 19, 2011

The EICC's third annual report introduces new programs in minerals extraction, capability building, and employee health and welfare and provides an update on their progress and performance on critical ongoing programs.

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