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Responsible Business Alliance Publications

RBA Compass Awards Case Studies 2018

Jun 06, 2019

Submissions from the winners and finalists of the 2018 RBA Compass Awards are highlighted in this compendium of case studies.

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RBA Compass Awards Case Studies 2018

RBA Annual Report 2018

Apr 23, 2019

In 2018 the RBA added new capabilities while expanding the breadth and depth of existing offerings and efforts on behalf of its members.

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RBA Annual Report 2018

RBA Practical Guide

Jun 21, 2018

The RBA Practical Guide to Implementing Responsible Business Conduct Due Diligence in Supply Chains provides an overview of the major standards on responsible business conduct and demonstrates how RBA initiatives, programs and tools can help companies operationalize and live into international supply chain due diligence expectations.

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RBA Practical Guide

RBA Annual Report 2017

May 16, 2018

Read about progress made by RBA initiatives, improvements to programs and tools, the rebrand from the EICC to the RBA, major revisions to the Code of Conduct, the launching of the RLI, public policy and stakeholder engagement, audit findings, sensing results, key events and trainings worldwide, and much more.

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EICC Annual Report 2016

May 18, 2017

The EICC's eighth annual report covers 2016 and highlights our efforts related to protecting vulnerable workers, the responsible sourcing of raw materials, chemical management, environmental sustainability, public procurement, training and capability-building, the CFSI, the VAP, EICC-ON and many other initiatives that aim to improve social, ethical and environmental conditions in the global supply chain.

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Responsible Raw Materials Initiative Progress Report

Apr 19, 2017

The EICC's and CFSI's Responsible Raw Materials Initiative (RRMI) published a progress report and an overview of its cobalt-related activities as of April 2017.

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CFSI Conflict Minerals Due Diligence and SEC Disclosure White Paper

Apr 12, 2017

This white paper by the EICC's Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) provides examples of how a company may use recommendations outlined in the OECD Guidance to meet SEC requirements by correlating the OECD Guidance 5-Step process to the SEC 3-Step process.

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EICC Annual Report 2014-2015

Apr 19, 2016

The EICC's seventh annual report covers 2014 and 2015, and focuses on the implementation of the strategic plan, strengthening the Code of Conduct, and numerous other EICC corporate social responsibility initiatives to protect the rights and well-being of workers and their communities worldwide.

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Assessing and Reducing F-GHGs in the Electronics Supply Chain

Mar 15, 2016

The EICC conducted a research project to measure fluorinated gases (F-GHGs), a powerful type of greenhouse gas used during electronics manufacturing, in the supply chain.

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Creating and Evaluating a Credentialing System for Vocational Schools in China

Dec 15, 2015

The EICC and Stanford University's Rural Education Action Program (REAP) have concluded Phase 2 of a credentialing pilot program for vocational education and training (VET) schools in China.

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Protecting Workers from Hazardous Chemical Exposure in the Electronics Supply Chain

Aug 17, 2015

This position paper outlines what the EICC is doing to protect workers from hazardous chemical exposure in the electronics supply chain.

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CFSI White Paper: Five Practical Steps to Support SEC Conflict Minerals Disclosure

Mar 03, 2015

This white paper by the EICC's Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) outlines how the OECD’s Due Diligence Guidance integrates with the related U.S. SEC Final Rule on compliance with Dodd-Frank and provides companies with commonsense steps to improve their conflict minerals program.

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