Celebrating 20 Years
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Circular Materials

The RBA facilitates members’ efforts to adapt their business models and products to the circular economy by supporting integrated, international supply chains that promote circular material use, which further human rights and protect the environment.

As technology companies look for new methods and opportunities to reclaim and integrate used materials and components into newly manufactured products, the RBA can lead the way by applying its extensive knowledge and experience, garnered by developing due diligence and supply chain disclosure programs to address social, labor and environmental challenges in manufacturing supply chains, to the material reclamation sector. In doing so, the RBA will empower the development of sustainable circular economy solutions.

The RBA is working with its members, suppliers and stakeholders across material value chains to advance circular material use through initiatives that enable greater transparency into reuse and recycling practices and measurement of material movements. The RBA’s goals are to advance supply chain capacity and networks for extended material viability and use and drive responsible business conduct through adoption of circular material value chains.

Circular Electronics Partnership
The challenges of achieving an industry-wide circular economy, and increasing circular material use, requires action and specialization at many critical points within value chains. Although the RBA can significantly contribute to increasing the reliability and transparency of responsibly recycled electronics, true circular economy solutions will require coordination across many value chain actors and organizations. The RBA partners with other circular economy leaders to ensure efforts contribute to a larger impact within members’ organizations and industry as a whole. The RBA is a founding partner of the Circular Electronics Partnership, which facilitates collaboration between industry, partners, and other stakeholders to address collective barriers to circularity across the value chain.

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