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The RBA has created a resource hub to provide timely information on coronavirus-related supply chain issues.

The outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has caused widespread global business and human rights-related concerns throughout the Responsible Business Alliance and stakeholder communities. To keep companies and stakeholders informed on the global landscape related to the coronavirus, we will be adding informative and practical content to this page.

Responsible Business Conduct and COVID-19

The RBA has published recommendations and resources related to responsible business conduct in company supply chains during the coronavirus outbreak to protect the rights and well-being of workers. View the document here

RBA COVID-19 Impact Survey Results

The RBA conducted several surveys to measure the impact the coronavirus outbreak is having on factories around the world. It was administered three times in 2020; once per month in March, April and May; and then again in March 2021. View results from the most recent survey here

RBA COVID-19 Collaboration Space for Members

As a community of practice focused on social, ethical and environmental issues in global supply chains, RBA membership is actively engaged in ongoing discussions on best practices during this pandemic. If you are an RBA member, contact the membership team at membership@responsiblebusiness.org for access to the RBA COVID-19 Collaboration Space, which features online discussion groups, advisories, webinars, training modules, and other member-specific tools and resources.


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